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Mühlbach power station - Scheidegg equalizing basin

Adjustments to the equalization basin as water law construction supervision and stability inspection.
KW Mühlbach - Ausgleichsbecken Scheidegg
In words

Energie AG Oberösterreich has been granted a permit under water law for the adaptation of the Scheidegg equalization basin at the Mühlbach power plant to the state of the art in accordance with the decision of the Province of Salzburg. For the adaptation, DI Roland Lüftenegger (GDP ZT GmbH) was appointed as construction supervisor under water law in the course of the approval. After the execution of the construction, the stability of the submitted project was checked by our office in accordance with the water law decision. For this purpose, a separate expert opinion was prepared on the basis of the subsoil encountered, the fill material used, the soil mechanical parameters determined and the actual geometry.

In pictures
KW Mühlbach - Ausgleichsbecken Scheidegg
KW Mühlbach - Ausgleichsbecken Scheidegg
KW Mühlbach - Ausgleichsbecken Scheidegg
KW Mühlbach - Ausgleichsbecken Scheidegg
KW Mühlbach - Ausgleichsbecken Scheidegg
KW Mühlbach - Ausgleichsbecken Scheidegg
KW Mühlbach - Ausgleichsbecken Scheidegg
KW Mühlbach - Ausgleichsbecken Scheidegg
KW Mühlbach - Ausgleichsbecken Scheidegg
KW Mühlbach - Ausgleichsbecken Scheidegg
KW Mühlbach - Ausgleichsbecken Scheidegg
KW Mühlbach - Ausgleichsbecken Scheidegg
KW Mühlbach - Ausgleichsbecken Scheidegg